Collection: SIX40 Dark Roast Collection.

For the world's Boldest coffee drinkers.
This collection is for powersports enthusiasts who like their coffee like there tires, fully roasted. 
SIX40 Dark Roast Collection.
  • Anarchiste


      Anarchiste is a bold and adventurous coffee that’s perfect for those who don’t conform to the norms of society. Th...
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  • Café Risqué

    Café Risqué

      Café Risqué is the perfect coffee blend for those with wild personalities who aren't afraid to live life on th...
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Dark Roast Characteristics 

  • Flavor: Compared to its light and medium counterparts, dark roast coffee often stands out because its roasting process helps bring out every bean’s nuances in full. When the right bean is roasted for a darker finish, you get to experience and taste more complex flavor notes that fall along the lines of wine, tamarind, chocolate, blueberries, and marshmallows.

  • Aroma: Often considered the partner of flavor in delivering the sensual experience that dark roasts are known to provide, darker coffee’s aroma essentially pieces the whole experience together and reveals each bean’s nuances. After you taste the flavor of a bean, the aroma helps you put two and two together to give you a more profound flavor profile as a whole. Through aroma, you can experience sensations, such as fruitiness, spiciness, and even nuttiness!